Friday, 6 April 2012

Tim Atax PAX: Day 1 Friday

Well day 1 of PAX has wrapped up, and as many gamers make their way back to their hotel rooms and various places of lodging, I shall sit here on my laptop and update all of you back in Canada land on the craziness that was a whirlwind day at the east coast's largest gaming expo.

The biggest experience that most gamers had today was getting hands on time with Borderlands 2. I was lucky enough to be one of the first to get my hands on Gearbox Software's slick new rpg/shooter hybrid. I was really impressed with how smooth the controls are, and that the game has gotten a bit more frantic; but what's most impressive is that the enemies evolve. Beasties start out as simple younglings, but if left alive long enough will evolve into their adult or “badass” form rather than just spawning in. Creative Director Paul Helquist told me that “variety is key,” so fans can expect a myriad of different experiences in Borderlands 2.

It was then off to an interview with Matt Higby, Creative Director on PlanetSide 2 which is one of the most ambitious titles I've ever heard about. 2,000 players will wage war over an entire continent in this epic MMOFPS which is a little far from release, but still sounds like a blast.

I also got a chance to play some Orcs Must Die 2 by Robot Entertainment—which finally has co-op, a feature which was heavily requested by the OMD community. I really like the different play style that was added with the new playable character, especially her “Charm” ability which can enchant enemies to attack their Orc brethren. I then played some Guacamelee, which is a new metroid-vania style brawler from Toronto's own DrinkBox Studios, developers of the hugely successful Mutant Blob Attack for the PlayStation Vita. Keep an eye on these guys; I wouldn't be at all surprised if they take the downloadable world by storm.

I wrapped up my day with a visit to Wizards of the Coast to check out what they have planned for the next season of D&D Encounters, which will focus heavily on the Drow and the Underdark. I then had my mind figuratively blown on the Magic the Gathering tip when I learned that Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 will be available on the iPad this summer.

It was a great day and I can't wait to see more tomorrow, so be sure to check back tomorrow for more of Tim Atax Pax! Until then, here's my day 1 photo gallery to hold you over.

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