As my first entry on the Comics & Gaming Blog I wanted to take a few minutes to talk about what games I am most excited for this year. 2011 was a solid year in video games and 2012 is looking to be an astounding year also. With some great sequels, new intellectual properties and new consoles with the PS Vita there are more games then I will be able to list, But I have selected the 3 games I am most excited for this coming year.
The Darkness was a great title for the early days of the Xbox 360, originally developed by Starbreeze. The Darkness II being developed in London Ontario by Digital Extremes is looking very nice from what we have seen so far. The comic noir art style and the exploration on more of what the darkness powers really can do look to be exciting. That coupled with a new co-op mode mean this game could be one to look for in the early part of the year.
Mass Effect took gaming by storm when it first hit the Xbox 360, now with it available on all major platforms Mass Effect 3 hopes to finish off the story in one final epic battle. The game from all that has been showed is looking to have tightened up all the loose elements yet not loosing any of what made Mass Effect 1 and 2 so great. The better visuals, and the fact your character can carry over on all platforms makes this title something that will keep me glued to my monitor until the credits roll.
Finally my last pick has to be Twisted Metal. This game takes me back to the early PlayStation days, fast fun car combat. This is the game that many of the contemporaries were coping and now it is back, better then ever. With what looks to be a fast and fun multiplayer and a full story campaign, my inner teenager can not wait to get his hands on it. It is still too soon to judge if it's classic arcade style of gameplay will resonate with new players but I for one am happy to see the series go back to it's roots.